使用@ysc3839 fork出的广州大学分支:https://github.com/ysc3839/openwrt-minieap/tree/gzhu
#!/bin/sh # This script is uesd together with MiniEAP to achieve comfortable campus network experience. # It is recommanded to run this script as a minutely cron job. # When the script is exectued, it detects whether there is a MiniEAP instance running. # If no MiniEAP instance is running, the script launches one. If a MiniEAP instance is already # running, the script detects network connectivity. As long as network connectivity is good, # the script does nothing. Otherwise, the script terminates the running MiniEAP instance and # launch a new one. # `check_denpendency $1` exit the script if $1 is not found in the $PATH. check_dependency () { which $1 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "$1 is required but not found in \$PATH." exit 1 fi } # `detect_minieap` return 0 if MiniEAP is running. detect_minieap () { MINIEAP_PID=`pgrep minieap` if [ -z $MINIEAP_PID ]; then echo "MiniEAP is not running." return 1 else echo "MiniEAP is running." return 0 fi } # `detect_network_connectivity` return 0 if network connectivity is good. detect_network_connectivity () { echo "Testing network connectivity..." curl https://www.baidu.com --max-time 30 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Network connectivity is poor." return 1 else echo "Network connectivity is good." return 0 fi } kill_minieap () { killall minieap } start_minieap () { minieap & } restart_minieap () { kill_minieap sleep 3 start_minieap } check_dependency "minieap" check_dependency "curl" detect_minieap if [ $? == 0 ]; then detect_network_connectivity if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "MiniEAP is fine." else echo "Restarting MiniEAP..." restart_minieap fi else echo "Starting MiniEAP..." start_minieap fi exit 0